



自1974年以来每年, the 西雅图学校奖学基金 awards scholarships to graduating seniors of 十大正规网赌软件 and in recognition of students who have overcome significant life challenges to achieve their dreams.

The scholarships are awarded to students each year for tuition expenses at any college or 大学 or vocational training of the student’s choice.

The scholarship is funded largely from an annual contribution from the Seattle School Retirees Association, 以及社区成员的慷慨捐赠.


The 西雅图学校奖学基金 is grateful for the recent high-impact gift from the estate of the late C. 大卫·休班克斯,巴拉德高中1954届毕业生.








Students who have been awarded a scholarship from the Seattle 学校 Scholarship fund should fill out the Disbursement Form to have their scholarship award sent to their college, 大学, 或者技校. 一旦收到表格, 学生的奖项已经确定了, the scholarship award will be sent directly to the student’s school to fund tuition and related expenses.


Candidates are selected by school counselors and the Scholarship Fund Committee Trustees.

In order to be eligible to receive a 西雅图学校奖学基金 award, the student must:

  • be a graduating senior of a 十大正规网赌软件 high school during the year the award is awarded,
  • 目前是华盛顿州的居民,并且
  • have demonstrated a certain level of academic achievement and potential for college success.


Consideration is given to the following criteria in determining both the candidates and recipients of the Seattle 学校 Scholarship Awards:

  • 财务需要
  • 对学校和/或社区有明显的贡献
  • 学业表现
  • 考生已经克服了重大的生活挑战,获得了高中文凭.


在线捐赠 (需支付信用卡便利费)

所有捐赠给奖学金基金,无论金额多少,我们都非常感谢. 每笔捐款的100%直接用于奖学金. Please be assured that  any gift, small or large, will support worthy and deserving young people.

每年供款, 目前25美元,000, from the Seattle School Retirees Association (SSRA) has benefited the fund significantly over the years.

每年10美元的礼物,000 by the Tricia and Richard Taylor family honoring the memory of Sharon Woerner Loberg supports the scholars from 雷尼尔山海滩 高中. 

每年15美元的礼物,由迈克尔和玛丽·德贝尔资助的巴拉德高中的学者, 为了纪念恰克·钦和菲尔·布罗克曼, 前巴拉德杰出校长.

每年15美元的礼物,000 by 林恩·弗朗西斯·格斯里 supports the scholars from 富兰克林 高中.

每年5美元的礼物,000 by Manisha Powar and Vineeth Madhusudanan honoring the memory of Mr. B.B. Powar支持艾伦·T. 杉山高中(南湖).

每年5美元的礼物,000 by 埃里克·本森 honoring the memory of longtime 内森黑尔 高中 teacher and Trustee of the Scholarship Fund, 伊莱恩Wetterauer, 支持来自内森·黑尔的女学者.

每年5美元的礼物,000 from Steve and Liann Sundquist and from Glenn and Molly Seaverns supports two scholars from Chief Sealth 高中, 为了纪念约翰·博伊德, 前Sealth首席校长.

Donations have come from many sources including district employees and the community. 奖学基金自1974年成立以来, the number and amounts of scholarships granted has increased to 51 scholarships of $5,000.

The 2017 ceremony honored former 富兰克林 高中 teacher and longtime fund trustee Phil Konkel who passed away in 2016. His passion and tireless efforts dedicated to the success of the students of Seattle and the Scholarship Fund will be greatly missed. 他的遗产通过给该基金的近20万美元的慷慨遗赠得以延续.

2004年,诺拉. 亚当斯, 曾在十大正规网赌软件担任教师和校长, 留下了将近600美元的遗产,给西雅图学校奖学金基金捐款. 诺拉B. 亚当斯(1928-2004)是小沙普斯的一名教师. 高和T. T. 辅修小学,还担任过T. T. Minor, 布赖恩特, 萨卡加维亚, 邓拉普和Seward小学.

1999年,该基金增加了11美元,为纪念长期担任十大赌博正规平台在线成员而捐款, 艾伦J. 这是她退休后留下的.

In 1983 Superintendent Donald Steele recorded an album with country singer Tammy Wynette. 它的所有销售收益(9万美元)都直接捐给了奖学金基金.

  • 迈克尔·德贝尔(主席) -退休的西雅图公立十大赌博正规平台在线董事; Parent of three SPS Graduates
  • 博伊德(副主席) – Attorney; Former Executive Director Labor Negotiations, 十大正规网赌软件
  • 莱斯利•哈里斯 (副) -退休的西雅图公立十大赌博正规平台在线董事
  • 埃里克·本森 -十大正规网赌软件内森黑尔高中退休校长
  • 琳达Ellingboe – Former PTA and PTSA President, Four Generations of 十大正规网赌软件 Graduates and Students
  • 安·欧莱特·菲茨莫里斯 -退休的小学图书管理员和教师,华盛顿湖学区
  • 林恩·弗朗西斯·格斯里 – Former Tutor 十大正规网赌软件 Powerful Readers; owner/tutor READ WRITE LEARN
  • 凯西·欧莱特·麦登 -退休小学教师,Manson和Issaquah学区
  • 武藤美娜 ——退休教师, 学校辅导员, 职业技术教育专家, 十大正规网赌软件
  • 凯蒂·范教授 ——西雅图大学, 推进办公室, Scholarship Manager; Former Seattle 学校 Employee 2013-2019; 巴拉德 高中 Graduate
  • 迪特里希一个.C. 施密茨 -两名十大正规网赌软件高中学生的父母
  • 克拉拉•斯科特 -十大正规网赌软件上衣 K-8退休校长
  • 波莱特问. 汤普森 – University of 华盛顿 Academic Advisor (Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, College Access Unit); Former Teacher, 十大正规网赌软件; 罗斯福 高中 Graduate
  • 埃莉诺加拿大 – Retired Archivist, 十大正规网赌软件; Parent of two 加菲尔德 Graduates

十大正规网赌软件 咨询顾问

  • 贝福雷德蒙 (公共事务及幕僚长)
  • 茱莉亚带有愤怒 (董事会办公室)
  • 瓦莱丽·古 (董事会办公室)
  • 凯伦·哈迪 (金融)
  • 梅根·•卡罗 (档案/网站经理)



西雅图奖学基金表彰墙列出的敬意, Memorials and Donations can be found in the public lobby of the 约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心. 

目前, donations of $500 or more with a stated designated honoree/memorial will result in that person’s/organization’s name being added to the next available space on the Scholarship Fund 识别墙.

This will result in a letter from the Trustees announcing the donation to the family of the person memorialized or to the honoree. (This is why it’s important to include an address to be used for the donation announcement.) It will also result in a letter from the Trustees as a letter of receipt to the donor. 

The $500 donation size may also be reached by multiple donors separately honoring or memorializing the same individual to have that name added.

Another way a name (individual/family/organization) may be added to the Scholarship 识别墙 is if there is an ongoing annual donation over $500.

The 西雅图学校奖学基金 was established in 1974 to provide financial assistance to deserving graduates from 十大正规网赌软件 for first year college related expenses. The major goal of the fund is to reward students who have overcome significant life challenges to obtain a high school diploma and who might not ordinarily be considered for a higher education scholarship.这些不可续期的奖励为5美元,000 are distributed among young men and women from both traditional and alternative high schools in 十大正规网赌软件 who reflect the diverse ethnic population of the school district. 奖学金将直接发放给院校.