

聪明的平衡常见问题解答 & 资源

聪明的平衡常见问题解答 & 资源


州法律要求进行州测试( RCW 28.230.095)和联邦法律( 中小学教育法).

Statewide testing is important because it helps ensure all public school students receive a quality education, 不管他们在哪里上学, 因为它们是用相同的标准来衡量的. 这 information assists districts and schools in improving instructional practices and curriculum and gives families valuable information about how well their student is doing and where additional help might be needed.

考试成绩是关于你的学生在学校表现的一条信息. 连同成绩单和其他信息一起, test results let you know if your student is on track to succeed in higher grades as well as for college and career. 10年级学生, these results are used by some community colleges in 华盛顿 to measure if students are on track for college-level classes.


Both the SBA English/Language Arts and Math assessments are administered online, and each is   组织分为两个部分:


Series of mostly multiple choice and short answer questions which may increase or decrease in difficulty level based on student responses, 估计需要1-2小时*.


Real-world scenario requiring multiple steps for 数学 and extended 写作 task in language arts, 估计需要1-2小时*.


* SBA和WCAS评估不计时,整体测试时间因学生而异.



华盛顿科学综合评估(WCAS) 所有五年级、八年级和十一年级的学生在春天都要参加考试吗.  The WCAS is administered online during the same window as 聪明的平衡 and uses the same state assessment platform.

WCAS衡量学生的表现 新一代科学标准 (NGSS)在2013年被我们州采用. 了解更多关于国家科学标准和WCAS测试.


Our teachers’ engaging daily lessons are the most effective preparation for students because the assessments are designed to match classroom learning goals.

家庭可以采取 实践测试  at home if they’d like, and students tend to perform best when they are well fed and well rested. No additional family preparation is necessary other than a positive attitude and growth mindset.

实践测试 有ELA和数学课吗
培训测试 可用于科学研究



聪明的平衡 assessments are designed to require more complex thinking than previous state assessments required. 例如:

  • 证据: Students must go beyond simply skim-reading or answering 写作 prompts with only personal opinion. 评估需要仔细阅读和基于证据的回应.
  • 严谨: 学生们可能不太依赖消去过程. The assessment includes some multiple choice with more than one answer as well as other demands for higher-level thinking.
  • 真实性:  将记忆中的公式应用于一组脱离上下文的数字可能是不够的. 聪明平衡要求学生将数学概念应用到现实生活中, 通常需要多个步骤.
  • 写作: Writing is now assessed at all tested grade levels, with extended 写作 in English language arts. 甚至数学也包括一些简答题写作.

评估在网上进行. 这会改变学生参加考试的方式吗?


  • 互动:  不仅仅是选择题, 学生可能会被要求拖放答案, 完成图表或突出证据.
  • 适应性: 评估 conform to ability; questions become more or less challenging for each student depending on answers.
  • 支持: 在线平台为所有学生提供支持, 比如内置计算器, 笔用, 等.,以及为有特殊需要的学生提供更具体的住宿.


The state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) mails hard copies of state test scores to school districts by the end of September, 该地区将它们分发给学校, 学校也会提供给家庭. These are score reports that show families how students fared on the 聪明的平衡 assessments the previous spring. 分数会在九月份发布到The Source网站上



The 聪明的平衡 score reports will allow families to chart students’ grade-level growth over the years. 分数在2000到3000之间,成就等级在1-4之间. Teachers and community members helped set these levels initially by using data from 2014 field tests involving more than 3 million students.

聪明的平衡 is different enough that scores cannot be accurately compared to those of previous state tests, 但无论如何,家庭可能会忍不住将它们进行比较, 尤其是当学生的熟练程度发生变化时. Remember that scoring shifts are normal whenever more rigorous academics and their assessments are introduced; teachers and students need time to adjust. The 2015 scores are viewed as a baseline that will help our teachers (and families) measure future growth.

因为2015年的评估是新的, 教师和学校领导已经重新调整了他们的期望, 知道评分变化是正常的,老师和学生需要时间来适应. 例如,州政府官员已经做出了调整 毕业合格分数 维持目前的毕业率. Everybody is working together to ensure that students’ scores are viewed fairly as we grow into more challenging academic expectations.


For families with concerns about how student data will be gathered and shared, please view the OSPI学生隐私信息页面.


The state provides more information about how students with special needs and English Language Learners are accommodated under the Special Populations header on its FAQ page OSPI州测试住宿信息 .

适用于ELL学生,可用  支持 可能包括:

  • 大声朗读部分数学和/或科学测试
  • 翻译的数学和科学术语表
  • 在评估的写作部分使用双语词典
  • 数学和科学测试的西班牙语翻译
  • 翻译测试说明提供多种语言

Students who have been in an English-speaking school for less than a year may qualify for a one time exemption from the English/ Language Arts assessment.

对于IEP或504计划的学生,额外的具体说明 住宿 是否可以在州评估中使用.  家长应该与孩子的IEP或504经理联系,讨论各种选择.

OSPI的 关于工具、支撑和调节的指南 有关于允许和推荐使用的其他信息吗.


All 10th grade students are expected to participate in the spring 聪明的平衡 administration for ELA and Mathematics.  11年级和12年级的学生可以参加,以实现他们的毕业途径.

在华盛顿州, students who pass the 10th grade assessments will have fulfilled their state graduation requirements.  不及格的学生, 11年级和12年级将提供额外的毕业途径.

请参阅 OSPI的州立毕业要求网页 有关毕业途径的更多信息.

你的学生辅导员可以提供更多的信息或访问 OSPI的状态测试网页.


School board policy 2080 recognizes the right of parents/guardians to be notified of all state and district-mandated student assessments, 包括目标和教育效益, 拒绝的权利和不参与的效力, 并及时收到这些评估结果. Parents/guardians interested in refusal of participation should contact their school principal for more information.


  • 拒绝请求的有效期为 一学年. 如果你想拒绝参加任何评估,你需要重新提交表格 每年.
  • 学校被要求至少有95%的更聪明的平衡参与.
  • 不参加的学生将在评估中获得“零”分, 被认为是不熟练的, 也不会提供成绩报告给老师或家长查看.
  • Teachers will not receive results that could otherwise be used as a tool to measure the student’s academic growth, 例如, 在阅读的核心学术领域, 写作, 数学, 和/或科学.
  • Families will not receive results that will enable them to chart the student’s growth over time.
  • 聪明的平衡 评估 are used as one measure for Highly Capable and Advanced Learner (HC&所有4-8年级学生均可申请. 这个评估, 在“多重证据标准”下, 将用于身份识别和资格申请. Participation in the 聪明的平衡 Assessment adds to the holistic picture of your student’s need for HC and AL services and SPS encourages all students to participate. If a student and family decide to opt out of participating in the 聪明的平衡 评估, your student will still be considered for eligibility in the Highly Capable and Advanced Learner program.